Just sent a Brydge keyboard for iPad Pro back after a day. It puts enough pressure on the screen to distort the glass, and that’s when you’re not actually using the screen as a lever to move the hinges. Also, for a portable device, it’s really big and heavy. The keyboard itself is nice though.


Harmony Grinder

Music demo made with the OP-1

Just one tap

Uncanny Alley episode 4, Podcast Vérité

A new episode of my podcast Uncanny Alley is up!

_The Uncanny Alley_ Episode 3: Holding Gelato

Episode 3 of our podcast The Uncanny Alley is available: Holding Gelato. Like every single person who gets paid for writing, Andrea and Charlie like to talk about keyboards. Quiet, or clicky? Long travel distance or short jumpy keys? Why would Italian put a vowel at the end of many Spanish words? And, most importantly: Chinese Democracy.

If I host a podcast on micro.blog, is there any way to get the download numbers? That’s the only stat I want!

Test Audio

A description

I’ve switched off multi-finger gestures for the first time since it was available. The new single-finger app switcher is easily good enough, maybe better.

It seems to me that almost none of the iPad Pro reviews were written by people use them regularly, or even at all. No wonder they have trouble using it.

iPhone XS Camera Test

Some more shots from my ongoing iPhone 7/iPhone XS camera comparison. The full review will be on Cult of Mac tomorrow.

Having fun testing the new iPhone XS portrait mode. You can dial in the depth of field after shooting.


Siri Shortcut to record guitar riff ideas, hands free

This is pretty rad: With Siri Shortcuts and Face ID, I can say “Hey Siri, record this,” and then look at my iPhone, and it’ll record a voice memo. Great for when I come up with an awesome guitar riff. You can do this without Face ID, but you need to unlock the iPhone to do the actual recording. With Face ID I can look at the phone and it starts.

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I used to complete any cube I found, but now I leave it almost done, to torture the owner.

2018 iPad Pro redesign is both brilliant and stupid

2018 iPad Pro redesign is both brilliant and stupid – Cult of Mac The possibly-leaked pictures of the new 2018 iPad Pro look great. Somehow, though, some writers have gotten the idea that these pictures prove that Face ID will only work when the iPad is in portrait orientation. Cult of Mac’s Ed Hardy puts together some terrible arguments for why this is a disaster for Apple. Or for iPad users, at least.

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Is anyone a using static blog software for longer posts, paired with their hosted micro.blog? I’d like to, but I don’t really want to pay again for hosting. How do you have it set up?

Fixing a friend’s iMac. Won’t reconnect to Wi-Fi after sleep, or other disconnection.

I have set network service order; created new user; removed other Wi-Fi networks; deleted system network plists.

Any other ideas?


Should I stop auto-posting links to my Cult of Mac articles here? Is is spammy, or are people interested?